Do you want a more positive birth experience? Take a look at my 5 top tips to help you prepare for your positive birth!
I remember the midwife's asking me how my labour went at the postpartum checks' and I replied "really well, I loved it" her face was shocked that I had replied in that way and that I had enjoyed giving birth to my babies. Midwifes don't hear that very often as women are so scared of birth and alot dont do any birth preparation so they have no idea what to expect and then look back on their labour as a traumatic experience. These experiences stay with women forever
Doing some sort of birth preparation is a really good idea so you can educate yourself about labour and birth and find out what options you have during your maternity care.
Even if you are towards the end of your pregnancy, any preparation is better than no preparation.
Here are my 5 top tips to help you prepare and have a more positive birth experience.
Tip 1- Make A Birth plan!
A lot of people think making a birth plan is a waste of time as birth can be to unpredictable. Actually by writing or creating a birth plan you can find out about the huge amount of choices and options that are available to you. If you have a plan you are helping your health professionals support you in the best possible way, if you let them know what you want you are more likely to get it.
It is also a good idea to have a plan A,B & C so you feel prepared for any type of birth. There are always things you can control however you birth your baby.
Tip 2 - Breathe
Using breathing techniques during pregnancy will also then benefit you in labour, as deep breathing helps you to stay calm and relaxed. It lowers your blood pressure and stress hormone in your blood. The more you practice in your pregnancy the easier it will be to access in labour.
Try breathing in through your nose for the count of 4 and slowly out through your mouth for the count of 7. Do this several times and see how different it makes you feel.
"I honestly thought of you and the counting of the breath it helped me so much through each contraction" (Pregnancy relaxation client)
Tip 3 - Practice Relaxation
Relaxing will help your body do what it is designed to do during labour and birth. The more relaxed you are the easier and more comfortable your labour will be.
Did you know there is a biological connection between your law and your pelvic floor! so a relaxed jaw can really make a difference. REMEMBER: Soft jaw, soft pelvic floor.
Tip 4- Dim the lights
Oxytocin is a hormone needed to birth your baby. it is the hormone that makes your uterus contract.
You can produce more of this hormone when the lighting is turned down low or if you can block out bright daylight. If you plan to give birth in a hospital, take in battery powered candles or fairy lights to create a calm, relaxing atmosphere.
Tip 5 -Ask questions
It is so important to ask questions during your pregnancy and labour, sometimes we just assume there is a strong reason behind everything that is offered to us during our maternity care. It's always a good idea to ask why they are offering or advising certain things. Once you know all the information and you weigh up the benefits vs risks you and your partner can then make an informed decision that you are happy with.
Asking questions really helps you take charge of your pregnancy and birth and makes you feel empowered and feel like the decisions you do make are the right ones for you and your baby and play huge part in having a positive birth experience.
Preparing for birth with Hypnobirthing
Doing these 5 things will stack the odds in your favour for a more positive birth experience.
If you would like to learn more tools and techniques to use to help you feel calm and confident and really prepared for your baby's birth please get in touch or book onto one of my upcoming Hypnobirthing courses.
I would love to know which tip is your favorite, please let me know in the comments below.