You may not think that Hypnobirthing can be used for any other type of birth other than a natural vaginal birth.
You would be wrong!
Hypnobirthing can help you prepare for any "type" of birth and I believe that hypnobirthing is essential for a C-section birth. This type of birth often comes with a lot of fear and anxiety as there are a lot of unknowns regarding the process of a caesarean birth.
There are two Types of caesarean birth one being a planned C-section and the other an emergency C-section let's look at the difference.
Planned C-section
This is a caesarean birth where you know that it is going to happen. You will have had discussions with your healthcare team prior to this and come to an agreement with them that this is the best type of birth for you and your baby.
There are many reasons why a caesarean may be offered to you (often for those who have high-risk pregnancies but not always), please note that this is always an option and you can decide whether this is right for you or not. Some people will also opt for a planned caesarean birth.
Emergency C-section
This is referring to an unplanned caesarean birth. Sometimes they really are for an emergency reason but for most cases, it is just referring to a C-section on that day, that wasn’t originally planned in.
This type of birth may happen for lots of reasons and often you will already be in labour when an emergency C-section is offered to you. Again this is always an option and it is beneficial to learn about this type of c-section before you go into labour and how to make sure that it is the right birth for you.
You may also have heard of a caesarean under general anaesthetic, this is quiet a rare but it does happen for some people, this would usually fall under an emergency c-section category. Again, your hypnobirthing techniques would come in useful before and after this type of birth.
In this blog post im going to focus on planned c-sections, however you can still use most of these techniques during an emergency caesarean too.
A caesarean is major surgery, approaching one can come with a lot of fear. This fear can impact on your pregnancy and make for a more stressful birth. Hypnobirthing will allow you to prepare positively for your caesarean birth. letting go of fear, accepting your choices and having tools to make the experience as calm and as positive as possible.
Feeling relaxed during a caesarean needs preparation and tools to help. Emotional responses are driven by the mind, so feeling at ease with the process on an inner level is so important. Developing the ability to relax deeply and easily takes practice and preparation. Hypnobirthing provides powerful tools for this.
In addition, there can be times of discomfort in the run up, during and when healing from a caesarean. Hypnobirthing tools can help with pain management. The time spent preparing for birth in this way is also valuable bonding time for you and your unborn baby and this has long term benefits.
Studies also show that relaxation can actually aid the healing process after surgery.
Here are a few ways Hypnobirthing will help you prepare for your caesarean birth:
learning all about the process of a C-section, for instance, there are often a lot of people in theatre, this can be a shock if you aren’t already aware of this. Find out what to expect (you will learn all of this on my Calm caesarean workshop)
Writing a birth plan- There are a lot of thing you can ask for during a c-section that you may not be aware of. Some of these things will help you to feel more calm and in control. You could ask for music to be played in theatre to help you stay calm,Listen to your Hypnobirthing MP3s. Talk to your health care provider before to discuss your wishes.
Breathing techniques to stay calm - During a Hypnobirthing course you will learn breathing techniques to help you relax and to calm your nervous system. When practised regularly throughout your pregnancy this will also help in the lead up to your caesarean, during and after to aid recovery.
Listening to relaxation MP3s/Music- Listening to the relaxation/hypnosis tracks you receive on my courses is such a powerful way to help you create a positive mindset when going into and preparing for your C-section. The tracks will help you to relax as well as putting positive messages about a caesarean birth into your subconscious mind. While you are waiting to go into theatre is a also a really good time to listen to your relaxation tracks.
Affirmations-Using affirmations in the lead up to your C-section as well and during is another way to help you prepare, statements such as; "My baby is born safely" "I am calm and ready to meet my baby" You can write some of your favorites and place them around your home were you will see them regularly throughout your pregnancy, you can also get your birth partner to maybe read you some while your getting ready for the C-section as well during to help you stay calm.
Supportive birth partner- Your birth partner is very much still apart of a caesarean birth and can be a great support to help you feel in control and calm during the birth. If your partner knows what it is you want to happen they can advocate for you on your behalf. Make sure you communicate what it is you want from each other so you don't have to have these discussions on the day. Other ways your partner can support you and help you feel calm are lots of words of encouragement, a soft touch/massage on your hand/wrist, hugs and kisses.
Having lots of knowledge surrounding birth before you go into labour is so important.
I discuss all types of births on my courses and everyone who takes a course with me whether it is a full Hypnobirthing course or my Calm caesarean workshop will receive a dedicated workbook/caesarean workbook and relaxation tracks to use however you birth your baby.
I want you to feel informed,calm and confident however you bring your baby into the world
Gem xx
If you would like more information on any of the courses I offer and you would like to book a course with me you can do so below.